Spark change. Make waves.


5 simple copy tips to make 2023 your best year yet


I’m spending this week rounding out some goals for my business next year. And I’ll be celebrating New Year’s the same way I have been for the last few years.

Doing a puzzle in front of the fire and going to bed at 10 pm.

Yes, I am a grandma.

Someone send me a dressing gown and curlers ASAP. Honestly, I’d use both.

As you put together your own goals for your business in 2023, I highly encourage you to put “Level up my copy” on that list.

Whether you hire a copywriter or DIY everything, having the right words for your business can put you lightyears ahead of your competition.

And lightyears ahead of your own goals.

Copy is often the differentiator between a good year and a FUDGING GREAT YEAR that you can’t stop bragging about.

As always, I invite you to reach out to me here about how I can find and hone the right words for you – whether that means a new website, ongoing content, or email sequences.

But, I get it. Money can be tight and not everyone is in a position to hire some right this second.

No worries.

I’m going to give you a list of 5 simple ways to improve your copy in 2023, so you can turn those dream clients into actual clients.

Consider it a little New Year’s gift for you, a champagne clink if you will.

Let’s get started.

5 simple ways to improve your copy in 2023

  1. Start by tweaking your headlines

8 out of 10 visitors to your website or landing page will only read the headline…so make it good. Make sure your headlines answer the following questions: what results you provide, who you provide them to, and how you provide them.

I’ve got a whole blog post that breaks down how to write a powerful headline. Check it out.

  1. Survey your dream audience

Survey your audience to better connect with them because when they connect with you, they buy from you. Send out a short survey to your email list or post it on your social media. You can even offer a $10+ gift card somewhere for one lucky participant.

Ask your audience questions about what they struggle with, how you can help them, what their life looks like now, and how they want it to look. Then, use their exact words in your own copy.
See how they describe their experiences, emotions, and problems, and use the SAME language in your own copy. That way they’ll feel like you really get them like you’re talking directly to them.

  1. Make your about page about your dream audience

It’s tempting to introduce yourself and tell your life story on your about page but that won’t help you convert your dream clients into actual clients. You need to choose stories and copy for your about page that show your audience that you understand them and that you can get them where they want to go.

And you can’t do that if you just talk about yourself. Read my blog post about how to write an about page that converts.

  1. Ditch the jargon

Ditch the jargon and big words if you want your copy to work better. Most people outside your industry won’t understand jargon and those in your industry don’t want to wade through super long words to find your point.

You want to make reading your copy and content easy for your reader. If they have to slog through what you’ve written, they’ll probably give up and leave your site or social. A good tip: pretend you’re writing to a middle school audience. How would you change your language?

  1. Make use of negative space

When I first designed my copywriter website, all my text was crowded together. I had big blocks of text and little space between sections. It made everything hard to read and look at. MY BAD.

You want to give your paragraphs, headlines, and subheadlines space to breathe on the page. Make use of negative space and leave space between sentences and short paragraphs. You’re not writing a research paper here, you can split stuff up.

When you do this it becomes easier to read, follow, and understand what you’re saying. And when your reader can easily get through what you’ve written, they’re more likely to be swayed by your words. And that’s what we all want.

How will you level up your copy in the new year?

Which of these 5 simple tips to improve your copy will you be tackling first?

Happy New Year! Talk to you in 2023.

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