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How to use your core values to create content

If you want to cut through the clutter, you’re going to have to learn how to use your core values to create content for your business. 

People are bombarded with thousands of ads and videos and posts and sound bites every day. And truly connecting with your audience (you know, connecting in a way that leads to loyal customers) means you need to stand out. 

And I don’t mean you need to wear a funny hat or post videos of your CEO doing TikTok dance videos (although these can be super fun and hilarious). I’m talking about standing out in your customer’s eyes. 

You want them to see your content and think “Huh, that’s interesting.” And I mean a good interesting, the kind of interesting that means they are picking up what you’re putting down. They’re seeing your values and they’re saying “Hey, I believe in that too.”

Which is exactly why you need to understand how to use your core values to create content. 

Because when your core values drive content creation you’re much more likely to:

  • Create lasting relationships with your dream clients
  • Build consumer trust in your brand
  • Stand out from the competition

And if that isn’t the trifecta for business success!

Keep reading to understand the importance of core values and to see 10 ways you can use your core values to create content today. 

Why knowing how to use core values to create content is so important

Before we somersault off the diving board into the deep end of understanding how to use core values to create content, we need to get into why core values are so important. 

Purpose-driven businesses like yours use core values as the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide your behavior and decision-making process. They shape your company’s culture, brand, and reputation. 

So yeah, they’re pretty important. Like remembering to put the lid on the blender when you’re making a smoothie important.

If your company hasn’t sat down and clearly defined your core values yet — maybe you have a few notes scribbled here and there — take the time to do so. 

Ask yourself:

  • What is our purpose as a company?
  • What values are important to us?
  • What principles do we want to guide our behavior and our decision-making?

Then get rock-solid on what these core values are. And tell everyone at your company. Put them on walls, include them in email signatures, plaster them on your website. 

And then use them in all aspects of your operations, growth plans, and yes, content creation. 

Using your core values to guide your content creation efforts means your content will be more authentic, meaningful, and aligned with your company’s purpose. 

10 ways to use your core values to create content 

Now that you understand the importance of core values, let’s explore how to use them to create content. Here are ten ways to develop content based on core values:

  1. Showcase Employee Stories: Share stories from employees who embody the company’s core values. This can help humanize your brand and give audiences a glimpse into the values that guide your company. For example, if a regenerative farm has education as a core value, they can share a video or blog post about an employee going through a master’s program in soil regeneration. 
  1. Create Educational Content: Develop educational content that is aligned with your company’s core values. For example, if a sustainable fashion brand values creativity, they can create content that educates their core audience on how to creatively upcycle their old clothes. 
  1. Share Thought Leadership: Share thought leadership content that aligns with the company’s core values. This can help establish your brand as an authority in your industry. For example, my client Lexia Learning, an EdTech company that creates literacy-related software for teachers and students, values science and data. In turn, they created a thought leadership podcast that brings together key industry voices to discuss literacy issues and the science of reading. 
  1. Highlight Company Initiatives: Share content that highlights company initiatives that align with your core values. For example, if an electric car company values sustainability, they can create content that walks their audience through all the ways they are committed to sustainable practices. 
  1. Create Social Media Campaigns: Develop social media campaigns that align with your company’s core values. This can help increase engagement and foster a sense of community among followers. For example, if a nutritionist has optimism as a core value, they can create social posts that share quotes and exercises that inspire their audience to be more optimistic. 
  1. Develop Customer Success Stories: Share success stories from customers who have benefited from your products or services. This shows how the company’s core values are reflected in its offerings. For example, if a food co-op has support as a core value, they can create content that shares how their free cooking classes helped a customer get healthier. 
  1. Share Company News: Share news about your company that aligns with your core values. This can help build trust and credibility with audiences. For example, if a clean beauty brand has advocacy as a core value, they can share a blog about how their lobbying efforts paid off and helped get a harmful chemical banned from cosmetics. 
  1. Create Product Demonstrations: Develop product demonstrations that showcase how your offerings align with your core values. For example, if a disaster response group counts safety as one of its core values, they could host product demonstrations that walk people through how to properly use their earthquake response kits. 
  1. Host Events: Host events that align with your core values. This shows your commitment to your values and builds a sense of community among attendees. For example, if a yoga studio values empowerment, they can host an event that takes attendees through an empowering yoga flow and sound bath. 
  1. Offer Tips and Advice: Offer tips and advice that align with your core values. For example, if a therapist considers listening as a core value they can create content that offers advice about how to be a better listener. 

Now that you understand how to use core values to create content, you’re just a few steps away from having more authentic and meaningful connections with your customers. 

5 Benefits of using your core values to create content

Now that you know the “how,” let’s get into the “why.” 

Using your core values to create content can make the difference between a forgettable brand and one that has more loyal customers than they can count. 

In case you aren’t already convinced, here are five ways that using your core values to create content will help your business: 

  • It builds brand trust and loyalty: Your content will feel more authentic and meaningful when it’s aligned with your core values. Customers value this kind of connection. 
  • It increases customer engagement: When your content resonates with your target customer or client, they are more likely to engage with it. This can increase web traffic, brand awareness, and social media engagement.
  • It establishes thought leadership: Creating content that aligns with your values positions you as a leader in your industry. Value-led content builds credibility through its consistency.
  • It attracts and retains employees: If you continually share your core values, you will attract employees with shared values. This makes it easier to build a strong company culture and to retain talent. 
  • It creates a strong brand identity: The more consistently you share your values, the stronger the brand identity you will have. You will start to be known for what you believe in and this makes you more memorable and keeps you top of mind with consumers. 

The power of the core value for purpose-driven businesses

Remember, your core values are not just words on a page — they are the foundation of your company’s culture and overall purpose. 

And as a purpose-driven business, you can’t afford for your audience to not fully understand your core values. 

So use them well and use them often. 

Whether you’re just starting out with content creation or you’re looking to revamp your content strategy, remember just how powerful your company’s core values can be. 

Need help translating core values into content? Reach out to me here.

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